Monday, September 18, 2006


I hope that the title of this post doesn't trick you; I only have one coincidence about which to blog. Today as I was walking out of the bank, I walked into a fella I know named Andrew. I said "Hey" and went on my way. On my bike trip home from the bank, I next encountered a guy in my fraternity named Peter. Again, we exchanged greetings and proceeded on. Next, I arrived at home, only to be welcomed by my roommate Sara. Coincidence? Certainly, after you consider that my three siblings are named Andy, Peter, and Sarah. As an aspiring actuary, I have calculated the odds of this happening, and they are 1 in 231893254.

I guess that I can think of another coincidence. I have had the song "Count It Higher" by Chris and the Alphabeats stuck in my head for the last two days after watching this video four times in a row. I also calculated the odds of this coincidence, and they are "pretty good." For your enjoyment, here is the video. For best results, watch only three times in a row.


Anonymous said...

Davey, you are so charmingly amusing! Why in the world were you watching that music video?

Sarah said...

What are the odds that I will never visit this blog again after being subjected to that video?


Anonymous said...

The "charmingly amusing" dude was watching the video because his girlfriend showed it to him on YouTube!

Anonymous said...

I was startled and amazed to realize we had exactly 123 customers at my library on both Monday and Tuesday! I love having exciting coincidences like that in my life!

Anonymous said...

I remember this "bank" encounter. My brother's name is David.

Anonymous said...

I am starting to lose my enthusiasm once again for checking your blog every day...