Sunday, January 24, 2010


There appears to be a food drive this month in Union Station, and I walk past the attractions every day on my stroll to and from the office. These are all made out of food packages (mostly cans), and are really neat.Above is, obviously, Mr. Potato Head, which was the first toy ever advertised on TV. Below is a tornado weaving a swath of devastation across the countryside.
This is a picture of Marilyn Monroe, who was recently featured in another exhibit at Union Station.
This guy is goofy.
A shoe...
There are many others, but these are my favs.


Mom said...

How neat! You could bring a can of food every day and sneak it into one of those sculptures!

Chick in the Czech said...

I love these pictures!!!!!

Danielle said...

Those are AWESOME! How cool!

Anonymous said...

roro said Thanks for sharing!

Katie said...

Cool! we'll have to get over there to see the exhibits...i had no idea!