Friday, February 17, 2006

My town is a cold offshoot of the Arctic Circle. We got about a half inch of sleet last night, so it took me around 15 minutes to scrape all the ice off my windows. The entire car was caked with the stuff. Here is a picture of my car covered with ice this morning.

Today was pretty hectic. After clearing the ice from the car, I went to class for three hours then studied for the next hour and a half then had class again then studied for another two hours then slipped on some ice (twice, but with only one fall. This was somewhat upsetting, since I am usually sure-footed as a billy goat.) then delivered pizzas for two hours then sat around for a half hour then had a Rush event for an hour and a half then came home and studied for about three and a half more hours. You who doubted my busyness, please reconsider.

Tea is delicious. I love drinking it; I don't so much love spilling it all over my arm. I did that tonight. Hot tea is hot and painful.


Sarah said...

Weren't you recently spilling coffee on yourself? I had no idea you were such a klutz.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I now know what palaver means. You have increased my vocab by one word today. I too, love tea. It is better,however, if you do not spill it.

Anonymous said...

After talking to Andy last night and reading this post, I am so thankful not to be a student.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I have fallen twice in the last three weeks. You shouldn't be ashamed.