Sunday, March 05, 2006


Sarah already beat me to the punch, but I'm posting about it anyway.

About my grandpa: he is one of the hugest studs I have ever met. He has so much zest for life that it is practically spilling out his ears. Not only has he run numerous marathons over the past decade, he bikes, walks, and even goes skiing! His athleticism and drive were one of my biggest inspirations as a runner. And even when I or any of my siblings and cousins were awful runners, outfielders, or catchers, he always criss-crossed the Midwest to support our sporting endeavors. Plus, he's an amazing whistler.

On top of this, Grandpa is one of the nicest fellas around. I can't recollect a time when he has said anything negative or detrimental about anyone. He's always willing to join in on a friendly game of canasta or relax while watching a football game with you.

These are a few reasons why the news I received yesterday was so rough. It turns out that my grandpa, this amazing, spirited man, has been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's Disease. If you could shoot him and his wife some positive thoughts, that would be pretty decent of you.

And Grandpa, here's to you. May the wind be always at your back.


Katie said...

You & Sarah are right...what great man! I was thinking today how much he reminds me of grandpa Norb...we should all aspire to be such great people! Please tell your grandma & pa they are in my prayers. ~hugs~

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your wonderful thoughts about your grandpa. He is a winner. For now, life is going on as normal.
Have a wonderful time visiting that Chick from the Czech.

Anonymous said...

I have thought a lot about your grandparents this weekend. I hope that everything works out for the best. I always enjoy seeing your grandpa, and he seems like a very wonderful person.