Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Europe is infested with street musicians. These musicians sparked an argument between Abbie and myself about which instruments are cooler: the bagpipes, the harmonica, or the accordian. Somehow, despite my overwhelmingly compelling and research-supported arguments, our discussion was inconclusive.

Therefore, we have decided to ask you, dear readers, to help answer this age-old question. A nifty poll is on the left for your convenience.


Sarah said...

The answer is definitely bagpipes.

Katie said...

The answer is most certainly the accordion.

Anonymous said...

The accordion is winning!!

Anonymous said...

Davey, remember the cool bagpiper on the hill at Catholic Familyland every morning?
You and Abbie had different questions which could influence the results. The bagpipes are cooler, but she asked which would be better to play, and that would probably be a harmonica since it is so small and handy.